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Common causes of slip and falls

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2021 | Personal Injury

Personal injury occurs when someone’s negligence results in an injury to another. When an incident occurs in a business, the victim may seek compensation from the owner if the conditions that led to the injury were avoidable.

Slip and fall incidents happen under many different scenarios. It is a more common cause of injury. Discover some conditions that make slip and fall accidents more likely.

External conditions

The exterior of a building is essential to maintain, especially for safety. While some incidents may not rise to a personal injury, several elements remain within the property owner’s control. Some negligent conditions include:

  • Raised walkways and poorly maintained sidewalks
  • Icey conditions
  • Broken railings
  • Cracked and uneven steps

Inside spaces

A large part of maintaining the interior of a business is ensuring customers and employees are safe. The materials that make up the floor may make it slicker and require constant maintenance. Spills and leaks, such as those from refrigerators and ice machines, are a hazard. Carpeted floors with holes and popped seams also make falling more probable.

Product displays

Aisles that display products should not pose a hazard, but if they may. When a store owner packs too much merchandise on shelves, it makes it easier for things to fall over onto consumers. The same applies to stacked end caps. One accidental bump and the product may fall onto a passerby. Spillage from products into aisles may result in a slip and fall that leaves a customer with a serious back or head injury.

Negligence is the basis of a personal injury claim. If the conditions that led to the slip and fall are preventable by common sense and maintenance, a business owner may become liable for the medical care required.