when you can't.

Indianapolis Premises Liability Attorney

An accident can take a serious toll on your quality of life, especially if you have sustained serious injuries. Premises liability laws make it incumbent upon a property owner to ensure their premises are in a safe condition. Should you sustain an injury because a property has been inadequately cared for, the owner may be held liable and responsible for damages. A premises liability lawyer at Golitko & Daly, P.C., in Indianapolis, Indiana, can help you secure compensation for loss of income, medical expenses, and pain and suffering, in addition to punitive damages when applicable. To discuss the specifics of your case and determine the best course of action, contact our firm today.

Understanding Premises Liability

Owners have a duty to maintain safe conditions on their property. As a result, injuries which result from defective conditions may warrant a premises liability lawsuit. However, in order to demonstrate that a property owner should be held liable for damages, we must prove that they acted negligently. To claim negligence, we must present evidence that the owner knew or should have known that their property was in a state of disrepair and yet did not take sufficient action to remedy the situation.

Scenarios In Which A Property Owner May Be Held Liable

There are several types of personal injury cases that may result in a successful premises liability outcome, including:

  • A slip-and-fall accident caused by a wet surface, an uneven surface, a hole, or a defective staircase
  • Inadequate building security that results in injury
  • Insufficient signage
  • Escalator or elevator malfunctions
  • Injuries caused by a dog bite
  • Amusement park or playground accidents caused by inadequate safety testing

To bolster your claim, we can review all pieces of relevant evidence, including eyewitness testimonies, building reports, police reports and security footage.

Recoverable Damages

If a property owner is deemed at fault, the claimant may be awarded compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory damages are intended to relieve the financial burden of an injury, accounting for factors such as medical expenses, lost current and future wages, ongoing care, and pain and suffering. On the other hand, punitive damages in premises liability cases are meant to punish the defendant for gross negligence or malice and discourage others from acting similarly in the future. Depending upon the unique circumstances of your case, our team can fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

The Importance Of Legal Counsel

Sorting through Indiana premises liability laws is an arduous task, especially if you are struggling with an injury. To ensure the strongest case, it is critical to work with a premises liability attorney who understands the nuances of Indiana law and can pursue the best course of action.

Our attorneys provide strong counsel and can guide you through each step of the legal process. We are also ready and willing to aggressively litigate on your behalf when necessary.

Schedule A Free Case Evaluation

If you are injured on account of a property owner’s negligence, you can file a premises liability lawsuit to collect compensation for physical and emotional damages. At Golitko & Daly, P.C., we can evaluate your case during a complimentary consultation and review your legal options. Our attorneys have the knowledge and resources to help you achieve a successful outcome. To learn more, contact us online.