when you can't.

Indianapolis Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

A fall or accident can seriously injure your spinal cord. In their severest forms, spinal cord injuries can result in permanent paralysis.

A spinal cord injury lawyer at Golitko & Daly, P.C., can help you pursue damages if your injury was caused by another party’s negligence.

Do you have a spinal cord injury case? 

To Determine If You Have A Case

Our Team Will Investigate…

What Caused The Accident

Accidents happen, especially in hazardous places like construction sites, but accidents that are caused by the negligence or recklessness of another person, company, or corporation are avoidable. If another party acted unreasonably and their actions led to an accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

The Connection To The Injury

In order to pursue a lawsuit, you must be able to show that there is a direct connection between the event and your injury. This is difficult to do on your own, but our attorneys can investigate the cause of your spinal cord injury and help you compile compelling evidence.

The Measurable Damages

In order to recover compensation, you will need to illustrate the consequences of your spinal cord injury and demonstrate that they resulted in measurable damages. This is not limited to medical bills or property damage. You may also recover compensation for pain and suffering or other emotional effects caused by the injury.

Golitko & Daly, P.C.

Our attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of injured workers. In addition to our aggressive representation, we pride ourselves on our:

  • Proven results 
  • Free consultations for clients 
  • Contingency-based services 
  • Affiliations with the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, Indianapolis Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, and more 

To speak with one of our attorneys about your case, call us at 317-566-9600 or request a consultation online.