when you can't.

Indianapolis Slip-And-Fall Accident Injury Attorney

Slip-and-fall accidents commonly cause serious injury, including damage to the spinal cord. In fact, falls are second only to vehicular crashes as a major cause of spinal cord injury. If you or a loved one experiences this type of injury at work, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a work injury slip-and-fall accident lawyer. With office locations in Kokomo and Indianapolis, Indiana, the attorneys at Golitko & Daly, P.C., focus exclusively on helping injured workers, providing legal representation for workers’ compensation, personal injury and Social Security Disability claims. We work on a contingency fee basis, so you pay no fees until a settlement or verdict is obtained. Please contact our office today for a free consultation.

About Spinal Cord Injuries And Falls

Falls occur commonly in the workplace, causing varying degrees of injury. Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating, and can leave victims and their families to cope with a challenging change of circumstances. The most severe injuries result in limited mobility and reduced ability to maintain gainful employment.

In the course of the job, an employee might trip and fall downstairs or slip on standing liquid and fall, striking an object. On a construction site, workers may fall from a height or trip over debris. Resulting spinal cord injuries can range from a ruptured or slipped disc to fractured or dislocated vertebrae.

When the spine is impacted, extensive medical care is required, and it may be months before the full extent of the injury is known. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain
  • Nerve compression and numbness
  • Varying degrees of weakness and paralysis, including loss of mobility and function
  • Inability to walk (paraplegia)
  • Loss of control from the neck or chest down, with an inability to use the arms and legs (quadriplegia)

Legal Recourse With Golitko & Daly, P.C.

Spinal cord injury impacts the whole family, with many emotional, practical and financial challenges. The victim may need ongoing treatment, home care, equipment and modification of living quarters to accommodate the injury. Loss of wages is involved, with need for retraining or permanent employment disability.

If you are severely injured, you and your family need to focus on healing and rebuilding. At Golitko & Daly, P.C., we go to work when you cannot, handling your legal issues and advocating for you as we have for thousands of clients. Practicing statewide, our firm has attained many favorable results, including multimillion-dollar settlements and jury awards for injured employees.

Monetary compensation may be available through workers’ compensation benefits, and damages in a civil case for negligence or product liability may be pursued. Multiple parties can be involved, and our attorneys know the steps to take, investigating the details and gathering evidence. In case of temporary or permanent disability, benefits may also be available through Social Security Disability, and we provide guidance throughout this process as well.

Contact Us

At Golitko & Daly, P.C., we are dedicated to helping Indianans who have been injured in the course of their employment. Schedule your free consultation by contacting our office today.