when you can't.

Indianapolis Paraparesis Injury Attorney


Paraparesis is the partial loss of motor function in the legs. It can be caused by a variety of work-related incidents. A spinal cord attorney with our Indianapolis firm can help you if you or a loved one has suffered paraparesis as a result of a work injury. We have successfully represented many clients injured in on-the-job accidents, helping them to secure the compensation they need.

What Causes Paraparesis?

Paraparesis occurs when the spinal cord, protected within the vertebrae of the spine, is damaged by stress, swelling, puncture or another trauma. The spinal cord carries signals from the brain to each part of the body by way of nerve cells. Once spinal cord tissue is damaged, it is often difficult or impossible to restore the pathways within it.

Workplace Accidents That Can Cause Paraparesis

Paraparesis can result from a range of accidents in several different fields:

  • Farm accidents can involve becoming mangled in a piece of machinery, being kicked or rammed by a farm animal, or suffering a fall.
  • Car accidents can include head-on collisions, rollovers and T-bone collisions.
  • Trucking accidents can include jackknife, rollover, tire blowouts and component malfunction.

Employers are obligated to provide their employees with safe working conditions and a safe work environment. If you have suffered a spinal injury or another trauma because of unsafe working conditions, you may be entitled to compensation to help you cope with the injuries that result. Our expert attorneys are passionate about helping the hardworking people of Indiana to secure the compensation they need to cope with the aftermath of an on-the-job spinal injury.

Consequences Of Paraparesis

Those experiencing paraparesis may need to use a wheelchair, walker or another device that can make it possible to complete day-to-day tasks. The injured may experience spastic paraparesis, in which weakness or paralysis of the legs comes in sporadic waves. With the assistance of surgery, physical therapy and medicine, some employees may regain some or all leg functionality. Meanwhile, all the treatments and accommodations that the injured party requires are costly. Our experienced legal team can ensure that all details of your accident are thoroughly represented, helping you to collect ample damages to cover the medical costs that you incur.

Contact Us Today

If you have suffered a workplace injury causing paraparesis or any other debilitating condition as a consequence of spinal cord injury, you may be feeling helpless or overwhelmed. At Golitko & Daly, P.C., we are here to handle this process on your behalf, and defend your best interests while you focus on rebuilding the life you deserve to enjoy. We are committed to providing as much comfort and relief to our clients as possible by providing compassionate legal advice and expert representation. No one deserves to have their health compromised because of unsafe conditions in the workplace. For more information on how we can help you and your family cope with an on-the-job spinal injury, contact our Indianapolis law firm today.