when you can't.

Workplace Slips, Trips And Falls
Can Be A Direct Result Of Employer Negligence

Golitko & Daly, P.C., is uniquely qualified to handle your premises liability claim if you are a victim of improper fall protection in Indianapolis, Indiana, Kokomo or the surrounding areas. We have handled several workplace slips, trips and falls cases involving severe injuries, including paralysis and even death. To schedule a free consultation, contact our team online.

We Hold Employers Responsible

Slip-and-fall accidents injure or kill Indiana construction workers every year. OSHA studies show that every year there are approximately 100,000 injuries and 150 deaths at construction sites as a result of falls. Under OSHA and IOSHA regulations, it is the employer’s responsibility to make certain that fall protection systems are in place before actual construction work begins.

Understanding Fall Protection And Fall Arrest

These OSHA-mandated safety measures allow Indiana construction workers to concentrate on their job, rather than operating in an environment of fear and danger. Fall protection is generally divided into two categories.

Fall Prevention

Fall prevention is basically designed to prevent falls from happening in the first place. Many times, employers don’t follow these OSHA regulations, and the lack of fall protection can lead to devastating injury, paralysis or death.

Fall Arrest

Fall arrest systems prevent Indiana construction workers from landing in a manner that would result in injury or death. Unfortunately, many times, employers take shortcuts or fail to follow OSHA and IOSHA regulations, leading to life-changing consequences.

Our Experience

The slip-and-fall accident lawyers at Golitko & Daly, P.C., in Indianapolis, have experience representing clients for both fall prevention and fall arrest construction accidents. Ironworkers, masons, painters and laborers often suffer serious personal injuries as a result of the general contractor failing to provide, or enforce, necessary fall protection measures at Indiana construction sites.

Work Injuries And Damages

Fractures, head injuries, paralysis, spinal cord injuries and even death are often the result of an accident caused by a lack of fall protection. As work injury and premises liability lawyers, we know what can and should have been done to prevent your construction accident, and also determine liability for spinal cord injuries.

These failures on the part of the employer can lead to several different claims, including those involving:

  • Personal injury
  • Pain and suffering
  • Workers’ compensation benefits
  • Social Security benefits
  • Lost wages
  • Permanent impairment
  • Several other benefits available to the injured worker and their family

As an OSHA authorized construction safety trainer, John Daly knows to look beyond blaming the worker to get to the root cause of a construction fall. The sooner you call, the faster we can get working for you and your family.

Call Us Today To Get Started

We will handle more than just your construction injury case. We can also handle your case before the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Board and seek recovery on your lost wages, medical bills and permanent impairment. Recover and maximize all benefits that are available to you if you or a loved one has been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident. To learn more about premises liability, send us a message online or call us for your free case review.