when you can't.

Trusted Legal Support When You Are Injured By A Product

When a company sells us a product, we trust that the product is safe to use as long as we follow directions or, at the very least, that the company will warn us about any dangers in using the product. Products that are defective or have hidden dangers can cause serious injuries or even death to unsuspecting users. If this has happened to you or a loved one, you need the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer who understands product liability.

At Golitko & Daly, P.C., our attorneys have nearly 100 combined years of legal experience helping injured clients throughout Indiana. Our team knows the legal requirements for bringing a case against a company or manufacturer for a dangerous product. More importantly, we care about you and your case. We will fight for the recovery you deserve based on your injuries.

Where Are Defective Products Found?

You can find defective and dangerous products in any aisle of a store, but also in the workplace or a car. Common examples of defective products include:

  • Household items: This can include anything from malfunctioning appliances to dangerous toys to toxic weed killers.
  • Vehicle parts: Malfunctioning car parts create dangerous hazards to both the car’s occupants and others on the road.
  • Medicine and prescription drugs: Any type of medicine needs to have clear instructions for its use and any possible side effects listed.
  • Tools and equipment: Whether for home use or in the workplace, we know tools, machinery and other equipment can be dangerous. When they do not work the way they are supposed to, they can cause severe injuries to users.

If you are lucky, you may only suffer property damage. Unfortunately, these products often cause serious injuries or illnesses to the users and others around them.

Analyzing Your Claim

When you suffer an injury due to a product, you may not know where to start to get help. That is where we come in. First and foremost, we will make sure you are receiving the medical treatment you need for your injuries. Then we will help you determine who is at fault for your injuries. Product liability cases can involve several parties and become complex as we untangle the cause of the problem, whether it be in the original design, manufacturing, labeling or promotion. Different companies could be responsible for different aspects of the product.

If your injury happened at work, you have the added issue of a workers’ compensation claim to consider. We will do a thorough review of your case to make sure you maximize the benefits you receive from workers’ comp and your personal injury lawsuit.

Talk To One Of Our Skilled Attorneys

We offer free consultations, and we never charge a fee unless we recover for you financially. Contact us to schedule an appointment by calling the office most convenient for you. You can reach Indianapolis at 317-566-9600, Kokomo at 765-865-9300 or Bloomington at 812-566-2600. You can also fill out our online form.